Click on the link below to read my responses to Pretty Little Liars (book 1).
Pretty Little Liars - Response
lundi 18 mai 2015
Pretty Little Liars - Book 1
Publié par DD-QA à 13:18 0 commentaires
Libellés : Literary Circle, Pretty Little Liars, Response, Shepard
mercredi 6 mai 2015
Literary Circles
The Kite Runner Responses
Publié par DD-QA à 17:36 0 commentaires
Libellés : Khaled Hosseini, Kite Runner, Literary Circle, Response
lundi 4 mai 2015
What Makes a Good List?
Lists can be a really fun way to share some information about a topic or to oragnize thoughts or ideas according to a category. They are short and easy to read and usually either make your reader laugh along with you, nod their head in agreement or give something a bit of thought.
Be careful though because a poorly written list is usually abandoned before it is finished if the reader cannot stay interested long enough. Here are a few ideas that LIST the qualities of a great list.
Publié par DD-QA à 14:35 0 commentaires
Writing a Review
1. Be sure to include the title and author. You may choose to include the year of publication if it is relevant to your review.
6. Give the book a rating. What grade does it deserve? It is not necessary to do this, but it is an option.
7. Talk about the themes from the book. Are there certain themes that may appeal to the reader? Will it appeal to teenagers because of the constant battle they face with finding their identity? Or does it delve into the mysteries of the past, teaching you about history through a fictional story?
8. Your review should be two to three paragraphs. It certainly can be longer, but this is a guideline for your first attempt at a review. The first might talk about the book and the second might focus on your response to what you have read. Be sure to break your ideas into paragraphs and to have at least two of them.
If you feel I should add more ideas to this list, feel free to leave them in the comments and I will be sure to consider them. Thanks for reading. I am looking forward to seeing what you review and which new books I will add to my "Books I Want to Read" list.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:11 0 commentaires
Libellés : Outlines, Reviews, Year in Review
Issue Pieces
In an issue piece, you are given the chance to rant on about the issue of your choice - and let's face it, we all have them. The difference between belly-aching and venting though is that venting is the first step in processing the problem at hand. With a vent, we are essentially saying these are the conditions that apply to my issue. We need to understand what we are dealing with before we can offer possible solutions to what we feel is the required change.

Morals? Who Needs 'Em?
Publié par DD-QA à 13:10 0 commentaires
Libellés : Issue Piece, Outlines, Year in Review
Writing a Letter
This year, we have talked about three types of letters. We have reviewed the personal letter, the business letter and the imaginative letter.
A personal letter is simply a letter we write to a family member or friend to communicate with them. They usually include information such a updates (here's what's going on in your life), questions (wondering what's going on in their life), and a message (such as gratefulness for something they have done or to let them know that you miss them).
Form: date, greeting or opening salutation (Dear ___,), body (information and messages divided into paragraphs), ending or closing salutation (Love, Sincerely, With friendship, Yours truly, etc), and then a signature.
A business letter is usually used to communicate information about a company or product. They are often in praise or in complaint of something. The information included might be the experience you have had with the company or product, the problem you may have encountered (or the positive effect of the experience), the reason this is important to you, and a request for action (what you would like them to do about it (usually when it is a complaint).
Form: date, name and address of the company, opening salutation (Dear ___, or To whom it may concern - if you do not know the name of the person to whom you are writing), the body (divided into paragraphs based on information included - see paragraph above), closing salutation, space for signature, name typed beneath the space.
An imaginative letter is one that can be as far fetched as you would like. You can write to a person who has already passed away, to yourself in the past or the future, to an imaginary person (such as a character in a book or movie), to a famous person from history you would really like to have met, or to an animal or thing who normally does not read. It is very similar to a personal letter as they tend to be of a rather personal nature.
Form: date, you can include a name and address of the imaginary person or place for fun but it is not necessary, opening salutation, body (divided into paragraphs), closing salutation, signature.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:07 0 commentaires
Libellés : Letter Writing, Outlines, Year in Review