jeudi 11 décembre 2014

Rambling Autobiography

I was born just early enough to be called a child of the sixties, two months before Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the surface of the moon. I used to get nervous on the first day of school. I have a weakness for my dad’s soggy tomato sandwiches. There’s something nostalgic about the way the juice soaks into the bread. I used to read under my covers with a flashlight at night until my mom (also an avid reader) told me I had no bedtime if I was reading. A first-grader once told me he would not tell the « Santa secret » because he understood that the others needed to believe. I once wanted to run away from home so I hid under the front porch to see how long it would take my family to miss me. My grumbling stomach never allowed me to find out. When I was 9, I saw my first dead body as they pulled a bloated seven year old from the public swimming pool in the park down the street. When I grow up, I want to be a writer. I love my job, but I still get nervous on the first day of school.

jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Lists, Lists, and More Lists

Making a list can be loads of fun, but often the hardest part is coming up with a great topic. We have had a couple brainstorming sessions to bring you some ideas to help get those creative juices flowing. Feel free to use one of the ideas in the list below or use them to inspire you to come up with other great list topics.
  • Invent your own community and the rules you would choose.
  • Survival Guide (for whatever you choose)
  • How To... (Be as creative as you want with this one)
    • Catch Santa
    • Sell "something"
    • Do Math in Outer Space
    • Come up with a good homework excuse
    • Get rid of your siblings
    • Blow your nose when the class is silent
    • Get out of chores
    • Get out of going to mass
    • Sneak out of jail
    • Eat Doritos in a library 
    • Find your "hidden" Christmas presents
    • Trick your parents into...
    • Read minds
    • Know if Santa is Real
    • Sneak stuff into ...
    • Get on the Dr Phil show
    • Make Bad News sound like Good News
    • Get out of a dreary conversation
    • Convince your teacher you've read a book
    • Play an instrument
  • What to do during an embarrassing moment
  • Job Requirements (for the job of your choice)
  • Excuses to get out of ...
  • People I'd like to have dinner with
  • People I'd Like to BE
  • Things you probably don't know about me
  • Top Ten List
  • Reasons the Dodo is extinct
  • Bucket List
  • What to do when you're bored
  • What to do when your brother annoys you
  • List of useful paradoxes
  • Superpowers I'd like to have

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Expérience de photosynthèse

Quel est l'importance de la distance entre la plante et la lumière sur le taux de la photosynthèse? Voici une petite expérience pour découvrir le lien.


vendredi 21 novembre 2014

Les écosystèmes: Réflexion sommative

Pour la troisième réflexion de vidéo, vous avez reçu une feuille qui donne les détails des critères que nous avons choisis pour ce document. J'attache une copie ci-dessous. N'oubliez pas les consignes suivantes:

1. Préparer le message de blogue avec 

  • un titre (Réflexion #3: Les grandes prairies) par exemple
  • un texte qui décrit ce que le lecteur va trouver dans le document
  • une image
  • les libellés (SN, Écosystèmes, Réflexion, Vidéo, Grandes prairies)
  • et le lien au document Google
2. Partager le document Google avec moi. Si tu ne partage pas le document, je ne pourrai pas le lire, ni le commenter.

3. Insérer des commentaires dans le document Google qui démontrent la preuve que tu as vérifié les critères demandés dans le document.

dimanche 16 novembre 2014

Quelques loups changent un écosystème?

Une excellente vidéo qui démontre l'incroyable effet du retour de quelques loups dans un écosystème. Je savais que certaines choses changeraient, mais je ne savais pas que l'effet serait aussi prononcé! Qu'en pensez-vous? Laissez des détails de la vidéo dans vos commentaires.

vendredi 14 novembre 2014

Test A - Sciences de la nature

lundi 10 novembre 2014

A Dozen Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

First of all, I would like to start off by telling you a few "little known" facts about me - things that you would not normally know just by being in my class...

1. I am the second in a family of 6 children. Being one of the oldest certainly had its advantages, but the example I had to set for the younger ones could cramp my style just as easily.

2. I studied the classical violin for 12 years, starting at the age of 4. By 11, I was certain I would one day be a concert violinist.

3. One of my obsessions as a child prompted me to become a teacher. Would you believe it has something to do with new school supplies every September?

4. I LOVE to read and I am never without a book. (OK, this one will be very obvious to you if you are in my class - or even in the same school.)

5. I have recently taken an interest in photography. I see the world so differently now that I can picture everything immortalized on film.

6. I would one day like to be a published writer. I'm certain there's a story in me that's itching to get out.

7. I love to laugh. Except when in church. My sister can certainly back me up on that one.

8. I have never had a cup of coffee in my life. Am I the only adult in the natural world that cannot stand the taste?

9. I ran my first half marathon last Jume. OK, I never in a million years thought I would be doing this in my lifetime, but it was amazing!

10. I would love to travel the Earth. There is far too much to experience in one lifetime and I am already so far behind!

11. When I read, I sometimes forget who I am. I experience guilt and shame, embarrassment and joy through the characters in the stories before I remember that I am not really there.

12. I was almost kicked out of a Bon Jovi concert for smoking pot. Just remember, things are not always as they seem!

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Les écosystèmes - chapitre 4

Le chapitre tire à sa fin et nous avons eu d'excellentes discussions en classe! Les vidéos "Planète Terre" a beaucoup alimenté ces échanges. En lien ci-dessous, il y a les feuilles de travail qui accompagnent le chapitre 4 de cette unité. Un test suivra bientôt.

4.1 Qu'est-ce qu'un écosystème?

4.2 Les besoins des êtres vivants

4.4 Les interactions entre les êtres vivants

4.5 Quelle place les êtres humains occupent-ils dans les écosystèmes?

jeudi 16 octobre 2014

The Giver - A Model Society?

Well, we are over half way through the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry and I feel so mean. I have stopped the reading for the next week and I am watching, with more than a bit of guilt I might add, as my students mope about resentful about the wait. I really am sorry, but we have to respond in the middle to consider some of the elements of a response midway through a novel as opposed to one done at the end of the book.

With this in mind, remember that your thoughts (good and bad) help to show me the meaning you are making from the text as we stop and discuss the themes we are finding as we plug away. I have attached my own response (just one of many possible ideas) so that you can get some ideas about responding to a longer story. Just click the link below to read it and to add your comments.

Don't hold back. Be creative and have some fun with this one. Remember that it will be as interesting as you make it. This novel is great for providing some controversial topics about controls in society. What would you accept? What wouldn't you? Back it up. Be specific. I'm anxious to read your thoughts and I hope you respond to mine as well.

Also, just to see who is actually following my blog from time to time, I have read a rumour (and it is a rumour because it is as of yet unconfirmed), that the Giver is being made into a movie starring Jeff Bridges!!!! Keep your fingers crossed people! We could all meet up at the theatre on opening night!

OK! Update! It's been confirmed! With an August release date! Anyone interested? We should make it a group outing!

The Giver - A Model Society?

lundi 13 octobre 2014

The Lessons of Poetry

Just as a reminder and to give you a reference point in case you need one, I have summarized the lessons of poetry here.

1. The Power of I: Give your reader someone to be with.

2. Beware the participle: Avoid "ed" or "ing" endings. They weaken your verbs. This does not mean you CAN'T use them, only that you need to be sure that if you do, it does make the poem stronger.

3. Cut to the Bone: Cut all unnecessary words. Remember that a poem is elegant shorthand. And when you can't find another word to cut, then your poem is finished.

4. Line and Stanza Breaks: These can guide your reader as he or she reads your poem. They usually indicate the natural pauses that are needed when reading the poem. Rules are made to be broken, however, so if you break lines or stanzas in an original way, just be sure that you are doing it for a reason.

5. Effective and Ineffective Repetition: Sometimes repetition works well in a poem, and sometimes it just sounds redundant. Read your poem aloud or have someone read it to you so that you will "hear" what it sounds like to a reader.

6. Strong words: Look at each word you have chosen for your poem. Is it the best word you could have chosen? If not, what would be stronger. Feel free to use a thesaurus to inspire you or to suggest new words for your writing.

7. Conclude strongly: The ending of your poem is what gives the reader something to think about after they have finished reading. An echo (repeated line from earlier on in the poem) can remind the reader of an previously mentioned image that still rings true.

8. Begin inside: Starting with an image can help to set the mood for the poem. It helps the reader connect with the ideas you are presenting in the poem.

lundi 6 octobre 2014

Calcul mental - Stratégies de divisions

Enfin, on finit avec les divisions. Les notes pour les stratégies de division que nous avons revues en classe son dans le lien ci-dessous.

CM - Stratégies de division

dimanche 5 octobre 2014

This Is Our Planet to Care For

For animals and planet lovers alike, this little video will make you think twice about the things we do to disrepect this planet. What it reminds us to do is to remember that we are not alone. The Earth is shared with other living beings and they are counting on us to look after it. To them, that trust is a matter of life and death. What can we do to show we care?

The Advice We Take

This video has at least one lesson for everyone. I can watch it several times and find something new each time. What you get out of it will depend on a number of things: What you believe about life right now, what you believe about the future and what you have already lived. Different people will smile at different points during the video based on those factors.

Take the time to rewatch this one a couple times. Which of the gems of advice speaks to you? Why? Does it change the way you see the future?

Peer Pressure at its Finest

Peer pressure is a very real issue that affects people of all ages, although it is more known for its effects on teenagers. Some face it head on and others skirt the issue by going along with the expectations of others. How we stand up to it (or fail to) often defines us as we allow or resist others in controlling us. Who would you relate to in these videos?

jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Lost Generation

This is an example of reverse poetry where the text reads one way forward and a completely different message emerges on the way back up. It's very cool, but it also gets people talking about what they are willing to accept for their future and what they are willing to do to be a part of the solution. I would love to get your feedback on this one.

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Calcul mental - stratégies de multiplication

On continue à avancer avec le calcul mental. Voici un lien qui vous donne plusieurs stratégies utiles pour la multiplication.

CM - stratégies de multiplication

Feuilles de travail

mardi 23 septembre 2014

Calcul mental - stratégies de soustraction

Les additions sont bien parties et nous ajoutons maintenant les soustractions au répertoire. Le lien ci-dessous explique quelques stratégies de soustraction que nous avons revues en classe. J'en ajouterai lorsqu'on les découvre en classe.

Calcul mental - Stratégies de soustraction

Feuilles de travail

lundi 22 septembre 2014

Brilliant Narration

The first time I saw this video, I thought it was priceless! I laughed at the antics and the "crazy" behaviour of a guy we have probably all known at one point in our lives. Then I watched again and paid attention to the narration he used to explain the collective behaviour of the people who surround him.

Although I know some people would not see the value in this one, I would love to hear what you think about it.

The Death Crawl

I have seen this video so many times and I never tire of it. I think one of the things I like best about it is that it can be appreciated through so many different perspectives; through the eyes of the coach, the eyes of one of the players, or even through the eys of one of the assistant coaches who watch a master at work.

I love the way this coach teaches this player a very powerful lesson with a firm but gentle activity that makes the player appreciate what he has learned rather than feel that he has been humiliated or treated unfairly. The whole point of the lesson is that the coach had a great deal of admiration for the potential he knew this player had and rather than scolding him, he helped him see that this potential can have a very positive influence on others.

What an amazing role model he was!

vendredi 19 septembre 2014

Poetry - a few examples

OK, this is something new for me. I teach poetry, but I don't usually write any of my own. This year, I have had so many changes in my life and I have been swimming in my own thoughts. Tonight, while I enjoyed one of my last nights of running for the year, the poems wove themselves through my brain. It was so impiring, I even hit a personal best with my running time.

These are the first poems I have ever shared with my students. Click on the links below to read them. I hope that they live up to the lessons I have taught you about the craft of poetry so far. I would love to hear what you think. Please feel free to leave comments.

Night Run (about why I love to run at night)
Companions (about the sounds that accompany me on a run)
Loss (about the end of outdoor-running season)

jeudi 18 septembre 2014

Calcul mental - Stratégies d'addition

Nous avons revue plusieurs stratégies d'addition en calcul mental. Les autres opérations suivront sans doute. Le document ci-dessous est un guide pour revoir ces stratégies si vous en avez besoin.

Calcul mental - stratégies d'addition

Feuilles de travail

mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Les cavernes

La deuxième vidéo est terminée. Nous avons découvert les cavernes du monde. Pour ceux parmi nous qui ont un peu peur des espaces enfermées, on a bien fait de visionner de la sécurité de la salle de classe...

Les notes sont dans le lien ci-dessous. J'ai aussi attaché les critères de nouveau. Prenez le temps de relire ce document. Il vous donnera possiblement des idées pour ajouter des faits et des opinions à votre document de réflexion. N'oublie pas que dans une réflexion, je veux voir les questions que tu te poses et les pensées que tu as vis-à-vis notre Terre naturelle, à la fois forte et fragile.

Les cavernes - notes

Réflexions - Vidéos de sciences


L'année est bien commencée et vous semblez bien à l'aise avec les blogues. C'est mon devoir donc, de vous compliquer la vie. Nous allons commencer à écrire de documents dans un programme de traitement de texte qui se nomme "Googledocs" maintenant. Ces documents me permettront d'insérer des commentaires directement à côté du texte en question.

Juste pour vous montrer comment ceci apparaîtra, j'ai placé quelques commentaires dans le lien suivant. Les étapes sont assez simples et après avoir publié 2 ou trois documents, ça deviendra un processus automatique.


dimanche 14 septembre 2014

Two Choices

Today, we watched this video in class. I have seen such a variety of reactions to it that I am never sure what will come out of a viewing. The first thing that struck me after showing it to the 7-1 group was the absolute silence that followed. I was impressed with the respect and compassion they displayed and the discussion that followed led me to think a little more about the three principle players of the bullying scene.

First of all, we have the bully. This is not a tough one to figure out, but they do come in different types. There are those who physically bully others, those who prefer to inflict emotional hurt, and those who redefine what they will socially allow for their victims. I am not sure why some people feel entitled to decide what happiness or comfort others should be allowed to enjoy, but there seem to be an awful lot of people who give themselves this liberty.

The second player is the victim. I know that there are many reasons a child (or adult) is targeted but are any of them valid? A person acts, dresses, talks, or behaves differently. Is it my place to ridicule them, or to correct them based on my definition of what is acceptable? Is it up to me to remind them that they are different, to point out to them that no one likes them the way they are? Sometimes they are easy targets. They are shy or physically weak, or even slower at accomplishing tasks (academic, athletic, musical or other). Again, is this a good enough reason to belittle them? What does any bully stand to gain by making someone else feel worthless or unliked or unpopular? If the answer is nothing, then WHY do they keep doing it?

The third (and possibly most important) player is the witness. We do not give him or her the attention he or she deserves. By deciding not to get involved, the witness is saying that what they see is OK. If it wasn't OK, they would surely do something about it. You disagree? It's more complicated than that? I would love to know why. Some will answer that others would look down on them for being a snitch. Shouldn't they worry more about others looking down on them for allowing the bullying to continue? Would others really say, "Yeah, we don't like him (or her) because they don't stand by and let people get bullied"? If they would, are these the kinds of people you really care to impress?

The behaviours we value sometimes baffle me. People say they are just not getting involved. The fact of the matter is that you are involved the minute you witness it. The question remains...

What are you going to CHOOSE to do about it?

Think about it carefully. Your response (translated through your actions) is spelled out in two ways.

1. I choose to get help (or do something myself) because what is happening is wrong and I will not stand by and allow it to continue.

2. I choose to allow this to continue by doing nothing.

Either way, it is your choice. Either way, your actions speak volumes about your character and your compassion towards another human being who has just as many feelings and rights to feel safe as you do. Either way, it defines you. So I ask you...

How would you rather be known?

vendredi 12 septembre 2014

La valeur de position

En continuant notre revue, nous avons entamé la valeur de position aujourd'hui. La feuille de travail ci-dessous est une page pour pratiquer ces concepts afin de vérifier que la valeur de position est bien comprise avant d'avancer dans nos études.

La valeur de position: FDT

jeudi 11 septembre 2014

To This Day - by Shane Koyzcan

What an inspirational video. I still can't believe the silence that followed in the classroom. On a couple occasions during this spoken-word poem, the author mentions the "Sticks and Stones" riddle. It's very true what they say about the fact that it is completely wrong! It's simply not true that names won't hurt you. In fact, they continue to hurt you long after the bruises would have healed. This explains the title "To This Day" which shows how long that kind of cruelty can last.

The second reference he makes that seems ludicrous now is the statement, "Kids can be cruel". Yes they can, but I maintain that this cruelty is learned. And that saying it doesn't make it ok. What I wonder is where kids learn to be this way.

The expression that comes to mind is the one about fighting a losing battle. I wish it would change, I would love to be a part of the solutiuon, but when I look at all the initiatives of the past, I wonder if it is possible to weed the meanness out of people who don't seem to feel anything for others. I guess, we must simply not lose hope.

What We Sometimes Don't See...

Everyone could relate in their own way to this kind of video. What are the personal themes that you might identify from this one? How can you relate to some of the emotions that are brought out in this video?

mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Children See, Children Do

When I received this video a couple year ago in an email from my sister, I watched with a lump in my throat. It is exaggerated and harsh, but it gives the viewer a very powerful message.

What do you get out of it? Do you view it as a role model? Are you a good one? How do you know? Do you view it as a child who chooses a role model? Are you choosing the right ones? How do you know?

When my own children make wrong choices, I ask them if their behaviour reflects who they want to become. This is usually enough to make them take a look around and realize that their choices define them.

I'm anxious to hear what you think about this one...

Famous Failures

This video gives us so many examples of the humble beginnings of people we know to be successful. There are lots of kids who say, "What's the point of trying? I'm going to fail anyway." or "Why bother? I'll never make it to the NHL." They may be right, but there are tons of NHL players who would never have made it without trying (and failing a whole lot during the process).

Samuel Beckett once said, "Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." This quote inspires me and reminds me that I am not perfect and in order to get better at anything, I have to be willing to fail and learn from my failures, just as many of the famous people in this video once did.

We often think of our heroes being perfect. Well, the truth of the matter is that they were not born that way. They have had many things to learn along the way and failure is a big part of learning. This also makes me think of the importance of CHALLENGE in my life. If things are too easy, we lose interest. We need them to be a little more difficult than we can handle so that the effort gets us to learn something new and to be better and better at what we are striving to learn.

I am anxious to hear what you have to say about these videos and please feel free to leave your comments in the comment section of my blog as well.

mardi 9 septembre 2014

Les nombres arrondis

Aujourd'hui, on a travaillé les nombres arrondis. Le lien suivant donne une courte explication du processus que l'on suit lorsqu'on arrondis des valeurs. La feuille est à complété comme devoir. Les élèves ont reçu une feuille, mais elle est disponible au besoin dans ce lien si vous avez besoin d'une nouvelle copie.

Leçon: Arrondir les nombres

Arrondir les nombres : FDT

Présentation de l'hypophotosphatasie

Aujourd'hui, nous avons eu une présentation très intéressante par Mélanie, la maman de Julien, qui nous a expliqué la maladie de l'hypophotosphatasie. Nous avons appris au sujet des conditions génétiques et comment certains enfants sont atteints d'une condition génétique.

Connaître la situation des autres est la première étape pour comprendre les défis qui leur sont présentés. Merci pour la belle présentation!

lundi 8 septembre 2014

Réflexions de vidéo - SN (classe de 7-2)

Pour l'unité des écosystèmes, nous visionnons des vidéos (Série Planète Terre) afin de découvrir les caractéristiques des écosystèmes qui existent dans le monde. On pose des questions qui motivent des recherches et des pensées. Le lien pour le document suivant est un guide pour expliquer les étapes de cette réflexion.

N'oubliez pas que je ne veux pas un résumé: j'ai regardé les vidéos AVEC vous. La réflexion est un texte qui me dit ce que tu penses de ce que tu apprends, qui t'inspire à faire de nouvelles recherches, et qui démontre un questionnement scientifique.

Guide: Réflexion vidéo - SN

Le deuxième lien est une copie des notes et des mots clés que nous avons mis au tableau pendant nos discussions de classe.

Notes et mots clés: La jungle

vendredi 5 septembre 2014

La débrouillardise

Ce qu'il manque parfois dans le monde est un peu de débrouillardise chez nos jeunes (et franchement chez nos adultes aussi). Je vous partage une vidéo que nous avons visionnée à la conférence divisionnaire l'année passée. Bien qu'il y a toute une liste d'adultes que je connais qui se trouvent dans cette catégorie, j'espère que cette petite scène encouragera un petit réveil chez mes élèves aussi.

Nous avons des façons de faire les choses. Nous voulons faire les choses comme il faut. Nous voulons réussir. Mais le problème qui existe souvent est le suivant. Nous sommes tellement conditionnés d'être dépendants des autres que nous ne nous fions pas à notre propre créativité, à notre jugement, et à notre initiative. Si je fais une erreur... Si ce n'est pas ce que mon enseignante voulais exactement...Si j'ai mal compris les directives...

Laissez-moi vous dire quelques choses au sujet de votre enseignante. Elle apprécie vos idées (justes et fausses). Souvent, ce sont les idées fausses qui donnent des idées pour la prochaine étape, ou pour de futures leçons, ou des moyens pour mieux vous connaître. Elle veut savoir ce que vous pensez. Elle veut savoir comment vous vous sentez vis-à vis un concept ou une idée. Elle veut vous accompagner pendant vos échecs autant qu'aux moments de vos réussites. Elle valorise l'apprentissage (qui est beaucoup plus puissante parmi les erreurs) et votre croissance personnelle et académique. Elle reconnaît que vous avez des expériences variées. Elle veut vous aider à comprendre leurs effets dans votre jeune vie. Elle a des attentes très élevées - et elle croit que chacun et chacune parmi vous a des réussites formidables qui vous attendent cette année. Elle vous aime assez pour vous faire travailler fort, même si cela vous cause de l'aimer moins.

Le lien que j'essaie de vous partager ici, c'est que la débrouillardise est le début d'un séjour incroyable. N'attendez pas que quelqu'un vienne vous dépanner. Prenez l'initiative. Prenez des risques. Prenez votre futur entre les mains et acceptez le défi de rendre l'année scolaire et personnelle inoubliable.

mardi 12 août 2014


mardi 4 mars 2014

What Makes a Great Memoir?

Well, I'm glad you asked. You might wonder, "What's the difference between a short story and a memoir anyway?" Great question. The biggest difference is what you get out of it. Writing a short story does just that, tells a story. A memoir, however, teaches us something about life or choices or family or even handling our feelings. This is called a life lesson. It is the realization that this memory is sticking because it has taught us something that we now apply to our lives.

You may be wondering why I chose the little comic you see at the top of this post. Look at the things you do and ask yourself how many of them will be worth writing about one day. This does not mean you have to be a superhero or go on world adventures every day, but I hope it makes you think about the choices you make and the quality of life you are creating on a day-to-day basis.

For those of you who are fond of the checklist, let's compile one that will help us identify a great memoir when we read (or write) one.

A Great Memoir...
  • describes feelings and emotions that matter.
  • includes sensory language (using 5 senses to describe the scene).
  • engages the reader (makes them want to read on).
  • tells about a memory that matters to the writer.
  • uses kiss and tell (skips over less important parts) and focuses on the more meaningful scenes.
  • includes tension in writing (in the head of the character, flashback, description).
  • has a great lead (something that hooks the reader).
  • has a Life Lesson (something you have learned).
  • has a conclusion that wraps up the story.