Click on the link below to read my responses to Pretty Little Liars (book 1).
Pretty Little Liars - Response
lundi 18 mai 2015
Pretty Little Liars - Book 1
Publié par DD-QA à 13:18 0 commentaires
Libellés : Literary Circle, Pretty Little Liars, Response, Shepard
mercredi 6 mai 2015
Literary Circles
The Kite Runner Responses
Publié par DD-QA à 17:36 0 commentaires
Libellés : Khaled Hosseini, Kite Runner, Literary Circle, Response
lundi 4 mai 2015
What Makes a Good List?
Lists can be a really fun way to share some information about a topic or to oragnize thoughts or ideas according to a category. They are short and easy to read and usually either make your reader laugh along with you, nod their head in agreement or give something a bit of thought.
Be careful though because a poorly written list is usually abandoned before it is finished if the reader cannot stay interested long enough. Here are a few ideas that LIST the qualities of a great list.
Publié par DD-QA à 14:35 0 commentaires
Writing a Review
1. Be sure to include the title and author. You may choose to include the year of publication if it is relevant to your review.
6. Give the book a rating. What grade does it deserve? It is not necessary to do this, but it is an option.
7. Talk about the themes from the book. Are there certain themes that may appeal to the reader? Will it appeal to teenagers because of the constant battle they face with finding their identity? Or does it delve into the mysteries of the past, teaching you about history through a fictional story?
8. Your review should be two to three paragraphs. It certainly can be longer, but this is a guideline for your first attempt at a review. The first might talk about the book and the second might focus on your response to what you have read. Be sure to break your ideas into paragraphs and to have at least two of them.
If you feel I should add more ideas to this list, feel free to leave them in the comments and I will be sure to consider them. Thanks for reading. I am looking forward to seeing what you review and which new books I will add to my "Books I Want to Read" list.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:11 0 commentaires
Libellés : Outlines, Reviews, Year in Review
Issue Pieces
In an issue piece, you are given the chance to rant on about the issue of your choice - and let's face it, we all have them. The difference between belly-aching and venting though is that venting is the first step in processing the problem at hand. With a vent, we are essentially saying these are the conditions that apply to my issue. We need to understand what we are dealing with before we can offer possible solutions to what we feel is the required change.

Morals? Who Needs 'Em?
Publié par DD-QA à 13:10 0 commentaires
Libellés : Issue Piece, Outlines, Year in Review
Writing a Letter
This year, we have talked about three types of letters. We have reviewed the personal letter, the business letter and the imaginative letter.
A personal letter is simply a letter we write to a family member or friend to communicate with them. They usually include information such a updates (here's what's going on in your life), questions (wondering what's going on in their life), and a message (such as gratefulness for something they have done or to let them know that you miss them).
Form: date, greeting or opening salutation (Dear ___,), body (information and messages divided into paragraphs), ending or closing salutation (Love, Sincerely, With friendship, Yours truly, etc), and then a signature.
A business letter is usually used to communicate information about a company or product. They are often in praise or in complaint of something. The information included might be the experience you have had with the company or product, the problem you may have encountered (or the positive effect of the experience), the reason this is important to you, and a request for action (what you would like them to do about it (usually when it is a complaint).
Form: date, name and address of the company, opening salutation (Dear ___, or To whom it may concern - if you do not know the name of the person to whom you are writing), the body (divided into paragraphs based on information included - see paragraph above), closing salutation, space for signature, name typed beneath the space.
An imaginative letter is one that can be as far fetched as you would like. You can write to a person who has already passed away, to yourself in the past or the future, to an imaginary person (such as a character in a book or movie), to a famous person from history you would really like to have met, or to an animal or thing who normally does not read. It is very similar to a personal letter as they tend to be of a rather personal nature.
Form: date, you can include a name and address of the imaginary person or place for fun but it is not necessary, opening salutation, body (divided into paragraphs), closing salutation, signature.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:07 0 commentaires
Libellés : Letter Writing, Outlines, Year in Review
Writing an Interesting List
Lists are fun and easy to write but there is a big difference between a grocery list and a list that shines a little insight into the person you are, the things you believe and what really matters to you. When you are writing a list as a literary genre, it is important to keep your audience in mind. You are informing your reader about something that they may or may not know about. If the reader does not know you or knows very little about you, they will need enough information from your list to understand the importance of your category.
Blurbs are an excellent way of making an otherwise boring list into something of a worthwhile read. For example: You are writing a list of your favourite colours. No offense, but most people don't really care what colours you like. If you add a reason or a description, however, then it can become a much more creative bit of reading.
My Favourite Colours
This list can be made much more interesting with a bit of decription... in fact, even the title is more interesting...
The Colours that Inspire Me
Red - It is bold and it stands out and demands to be noticed. What's not to love?
Yellow - The golden rays seep through my window and wake me by tickling my nose in the morning.
White - It is the colour of the handkerchief that my grandmother crocheted for me before she passed.
Green - My constant reminder that we are constantly in a state of growth.
Now this list may not be interesting to everyone, but there is a certain poetic quality that gives it more value than a list of random colours for no apparent reason.
The other interesting thing about lists is that they can have such an assortment of topics. You can make a list about absolutely anything that interests you. Some examples I have seen in my students' work in the past (but this is still a limited list - feel free to create your own) is included below:
The Top Ten Superpowers I Would Most Like to Have
The Dozen People I Would Love to Have Over for Dinner (Remember that a creative list does not limit you to people you already know. Imagine having dinner with Hitler so you could finally ask him what the heck he could possibly have been thinking to do what he did...)
The Five People I Would Like to Be For One Day (Your choices say a lot about you. I have seen rich and famous people on this list, but I have also seen a homeless person. Imagine what that might be like.)
The Eight Best TV Series of All Time
A Bucket List
Finally, remember that anyone can make a list, but when you add a personal touch to it, it becomes yours and yours alone. It can define you in some ways.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:05 0 commentaires
Libellés : Lists, Outlines, Year in Review
Guide to the Response to the Year
Some students organize this response with subtitles. They talk about different things that have happened this year and they give each a little title. Others write the whole thing in one document (divided into paragraphs of course). Some incorporate lists in their response as they organize the new things they have learned and come to believe through the course of the year.
Common topics include:
- Classes or the school: What were your favourites? Your least favourites? Being in a high school was new for most of you.
- Friends: Some of your friends have been there forever, and some are new to you this year.
- Changes in friends: As you change, sometimes your friends do too. You may find that you are discovering common ground with new people and your inner circle has reduced or expanded (depending on your case).
- Family: What has the year been like for you at home?
- Sports: In and out of school.
- Music: In and out of school.
- Travel: You may have had the opportunity to go on one (or several) trip(s) this year. This may be something worth responding to.
- Technology: You may have appreciated (or not) the way technology was used at school this year. You may also have other interests in technology you would like to talk about.
- The future: Has this year impacted the way you see your future? Are you more afraid? Are you comforted knowing that you have a better idea of what the adult world is all about?
- People: Are there people who have come into (or remain in) your life that help you to grow as you approach independence?
- How do you feel about starting grade 8 next year? Remember that it will be the last of your elementary school years. After that, high school, Baby! Are you ready? Has this year helped you to feel ready? Or do you feel you have a long way to go yet? If so, what made you realize this? Are you ready to do the work you need to do in order to get there?
- Other: There are a number of other things you may have experienced this year. FTJ, school outings such as baseball, movies (at USB), and even the grade 7 camp. What did you like or appreciate about them?
Publié par DD-QA à 13:04 0 commentaires
Libellés : Outlines, Response to the Year
![]() |
Try writing one about something you observe around you |
In a more modern haiku, the three line guide holds true, but the theme and syllable requirements are much more lax. See some of the samples below, submitted by students in past years.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:03 0 commentaires
Libellés : Form Poetry, Haiku, Outlines
Tritina is a form that depends on three and repetition.
The three lines in each of the first three stanzas end in one of three words, repeated in the order below. The last stanza (or envoy) is one line that contains all three words.
Stanza 1: A
Stanza 2: C
Stanza 3: B
Stanza 4 (Envoy): one line in which all three words appear.
See the example below.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:02 0 commentaires
Libellés : Form Poetry, Outlines, Tritina
Odes are traditionally poems written in praise of someone or something that inspires the poet. They describe how the person or object brings joy, comfort or inspiration to the life of the writer. Often, they are exaggerated and over the top, sometimes even humourous. Be as creative as you choose to be with this form as it shares what really matters most to you.
I have included some samples below to give you some ideas.
Publié par DD-QA à 13:00 0 commentaires
Libellés : Form Poetry, Odes, Outlines
# of Ways Poems
In this form of poetry, you are to take an ordinary object and display it in one of the many ways people can see the object. In Wallace Stevens' version of this form poem, Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, he uses the blackbird to make the reader reflect on the various things around us that may be understood by observing the simple things that we come across on a daily basis. I will hand out copies of this poem for you to unpack on your own.
Below, I have included a few examples of poems that were modelled after this one. Notice how many of the forms and styles are copied, but the idea in each is unique to the object or message chosen by the writer. Have fun with this one. It is unique and creative in so many ways.
The bang of the hammer
Among the desks,
the notebooks and pens,
the white lined paper held authority.
The dishes must be put away,
the room cleaned.
The paper lay untouched,
the assignment stalled.
The paper staggered in the midst of chaos.
It fell with Macbeth into the rubbish bin.
The writer surrendered.
A creative mind and ink
are two.
A creative mind, ink, and paper
are one.
I am torn:
the new book in hand
or the old one on the shelf?
The passion of writing on paper
or the crisp satisfaction of the computer?
The girl ripped the floral paper out of her diary.
Her thoughts screamed at the sound
of heart-filled entries severed.
Her foolish crush would be remembered
Exodus 34:28
Moses was upon the mountain with the Lord
for forty days and forty nights.
In all that time he neither ate nor drank.
God wrote the terms of the covenant
-The Ten Comandments-
on stone tablets.
Not paper.
If I were smashed into pulp,
rolled paper thin,
would all my imperfections show,
or would I have lines instead?
The unsubstantial thought
sank on a paper airplane
down to the coffin below.
She clutched the invitation
written on scented paper.
Her glass shoes winked
in the moonlight.
A ball of paper meets a trashcan;
an aged tree must be falling.
(James Morrill from Nancie Atwell's Naming the World)
7 Ways of Looking at an Orange
amidst the other fruits
piled high in the light blue bowl,
a small orange lay
a cut up apple and banana
aren't much;
a cut up apple, banana and orange -
well, they're a fruit salad
boy selects the biggest orange
boy struggles with orange
boy gets squirt in the eye by orange
orange lay triumphant on the counter
a rainbow isn't just red and blue
there's also orange
a man feared of wasting paper
therefore he took a straw
and stabbed the orange
creating a refreshing beverage
no need for a box
the rough orange peel
protecting the delicate, soft fruit
within - defending against
sharp fingernails and jagged knives
from whatever else may come from the unknown
It was evening all afternoon
it was raining and it was going to rain
as the orange peel
lay lifeless in the compost
(Halie Zorn)
Publié par DD-QA à 12:57 0 commentaires
Libellés : # of Ways Poem, Form Poetry, Outlines
Parallel Stanzas
I Once Knew a Girl
I once knew a girl who
ran through the fields barefoot,
played tag on weekends,
and woke with the sun at six.
She loved school
and never brushed her hair.
She slept with Teddy
and went to bed with the night light on.
she paints her toenails green,
reads upstairs on weekends,
and dozes till eleven.
She finds school a bore
and spends hours in the bathroom.
Teddy is under her bed,
and she sleeps in darkness.
That girl is gone.
(Nora Bradford from Nancie Atwell's Naming the World)
I remember last year -
that whole week I was in a bad mood.
The only words I said were yes and no.
I believed the world was against me.
You offered to buy me
a chocolate milk and a whoopie pie.
But since I was supposed to hate you,
I said no -
or maybe I didn't even answer.
Either way,
while I sulked in the van
listening to the music you hate,
you stood in the checkout
and spent $2.49 on snacks
I didn't want.
I know you did it because you love me,
and I knew you wouldn't like it
if I didn't eat them,
but I only took one sip.
And I remember last Tuesday -
this whole month I was in a good mood.
All I wanted to do was talk,
and I thought the world believed in me.
You offered to buy me a treat,
and since it's so easy to love you,
I said yes.
You wanted to stay in the car
and listen to the news I hate,
but I convinced you to come in.
You spent $1.40 on the whoopie pie
I wanted.
I know you did it because you love me,
and I knew you would like it
if I ate it,
so I gave you one bite
and devoured the rest.
(Nora Bradford - from Nancie Atwell's Naming the World)
I'm playing at a concert
A record company offers me a contract
I accept
Begin living life
As a rock star
I make millions
Own a mansion
The world loves me
I love life
I love my job
I get introduced to drugs
My life drains from me
I put the gun to my head
Pull the trigger
And die
I'm playing at a rock concert
A record company offers me a contract
I decline
Decide to live a normal life
As a business man
I pay the bills
Own an apartment
I have a wife and two kids
I love my family
I enjoy life
I have grandkids
I'm a great father
I've had a great life
My family comforts me around my bed
As I die
(Travis Arnal)
Publié par DD-QA à 12:53 0 commentaires
Libellés : Form Poetry, Outlines, Parallel Stanzas
Year In Review - Final Project
Have fun!
Year In Review Outline
Publié par DD-QA à 12:51 0 commentaires
Libellés : Final Project, Outlines, Response to the Year, Year in Review
mercredi 29 avril 2015
lundi 26 janvier 2015
I have read the "Everything You Need to Know" essay many times over the last several years and I have never taken the time to sit down and write my own Credo. Finally, I am going to give it a shot. I will keep it as honest as I can so that in a few years, I can look back and reflect on who I was at the time and see if my thoughts and beliefs evolve as much as I do. Here goes..
1. I believe that we don't even come close to reaching the potential that is within our grasp.
2. I believe that I can learn anything I choose to learn, as long as I set my mind to it and work at it when it does not come easy.
3. I believe bullying is not only a school years problem. Some people never outgrow it and they bring it with them to the work place.
4. I believe that children sometimes know better than adults. As they age, they forget what they knew as a kid and slip into bad habits.
5. I believe youth is a treasure we don't appreciate until it is long gone. How I would love to have fun like a kid again.
6. I believe laughter is a cure for many things (sadness, loneliness, even some physiological diseases).
7. I believe running is a good way to empty my heart of worries while I take care of my body.
8. I believe there is a lot more beauty surrounding me than I acknowledge. It's a little like the "Take the time to smell the roses idea". We need to really look at what is in front of our eyes in order to see the beauty there.
10. I believe a little piece of heaven seeps into my dreams when I nap in the sunbeam that floods my living room on a Sunday afternoon.
dimanche 25 janvier 2015
Would it Kill Us?
1. Smile at least once every day - knowing that we have so much to smile about?
2. Go out of our way to give at least one compliment to someone we care about?
3. Approach one person we don't know so well and greet them somehow?
4. Be responsible for our own actions?
5. Give a little more than we do to those who have less?

7. Keep our area clean? Whether at home, school or at work?
8. Make en effort to do our best work always?
None of these seem so difficult yet they are things that are not automatic. I believe that making the world a better place is as simple as these actions suggest. The hard part is getting everyone to buy into it. Now THAT just might kill us!
Publié par DD-QA à 11:59 0 commentaires
Libellés : Beliefs, Credo, Fulghum, Lists, Would it Kill Us?
mercredi 21 janvier 2015
Les réflexions de vidéo annotées en Sciences de la nature
La méthode à suivre
Les critères d'évaluation
Publié par DD-QA à 13:29 0 commentaires
Libellés : Critères, Écosystèmes, Réflexion, SN, Vidéo
Where the Red Fern Grows - by Wilson Rawls
I once knew a teacher who had a great answer for a student who asked her why on Earth she would read a book more than once. To this she answered, "Have you ever had pizza more than once?" The student told her he had, to which she replied, "But why would you eat pizza if you had already tasted it?" He had no answer.
I first read Where the Red Fern Grows in grade 5. I stayed up late, hidden under the covers with a flashlight and cried real tears as the touching events unfolded. (This does blur your vision and makes reading difficult, but it's a worthwhile cry.) It was the first time a book had had such an effect on me. I started to crave that kind of connection with my reading and my book choices became more and more discriminating. Over the years, I have found others, but it takes a great book to bring this kind of attachment to my reading out of hiding.
Every year, I share this novel with my students. I don't expect them all to react in the same way, but I do want them to learn to appreciate literature and to realize that books and writing can have that kind of an effect on you as a reader. It is the best I can do to convince them that reading is worth the investment of their time.
Click on the link below to read my responses as the book unfolds and feel free to leave some comments so that we can start a dialogue about our shared reading. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Values From a Book?
Publié par DD-QA à 12:34 0 commentaires
Libellés : Reading, Response, Where the Red Fern Grows, Wilson Rawls
samedi 17 janvier 2015
Violence Denied
Publié par DD-QA à 15:45 0 commentaires
lundi 12 janvier 2015
- Picking the dishwasher rack to empty
- Backscratches
- TV marathon
- Paying less than you should at the store
- Free cookies at the store
- Drinks on the house
- Free food at Costco
- Fused candy
- Walking on an icy sidewalk without falling
- Landing a jump without getting hurt
- That awesome comeback
- Finishing homework early
- No homework
- Stealing a fish off my friend's line
- When you think of a song and it comes on the radio
- When your dog doesn't need to "go" during a walk. No poop to pick up.
- Getting a compliment
- Clean glasses
- Getting all the lyrics of a song right
- When younger siblings don't notice you leaving the house
- When your phone battery randomly increases its charge
- When friend gives you their lunch because they are not hungry
- Free Wifi
- When you are the first one to use the marker for the white board
- Finishing a rage game
- Acing a test you didn't study for
- First in line for a buffet
- First in line for the microwave in the caf
- Finding your Christmas present early
- When mom forgets to make you do your chores
- Finding a really good deal
- When someone shares their food
- Giving your friend "the look" when the teacher tells you to partner up
- Being home alone
- When you don't need to beg your parents for what you want
- The end of day school bell
- The lunch bell
- When you finish watching a scary movie
- Fun subs
- Winning an argument
- Funny T-shirts
- New shoes
- When apps actually work
- High end clothes for cheap at the thrift store
- Free massages
- Fridge is full
- When there is nutella in the house
- Memorising a favourite recipe
- When there is no dammage after dropping a phone
- Catching something before it hits the floor
- When you have the right guess
- Summer break
- Getting new tech
- Winning unexpectedly
- Dodging everything during dodgeball
- Friday nights
- Landing a flip for the first time
- Popping bubble wrap
- Finding the last item in your size at the store
- Photobombing
- Remembering something before it's too late
- Licking the batter off the beaters
- No school Mondays
- No school Fridays
- Hearing a stranger fart in public
- Perfectly roasted marshmallows
- Sleeping in
- Snow days
- Skipping steps without falling
- Wake up and realizing it's the weekend
- Getting a cast off
- Eating the extra fries at the bottom of the bag
- Realizing there's no school the next day
- Raedy-made breakfast
- Fixing electronics by smacking them
- Getting away with eating very late at night
- Double sleepovers
- Finding money in old clothes
- Finding money in the park
- Getting paid double for babysitting
- When parents say yes
- When you spill something and it doesn't leave a stain
- Getting asked to play a part (ballet, play, etc...)
- Being recruited for an older team
- When a friend goes along with your lie
- Near-misses
- Doing something awesome by accident
- Winning a competition
- Winning a bet
- Talking into a fan
- Couch cushion forts
- Knowing song lyrics before the songs are released
- Adult one: When kids think you're cool
- Candy store
Publié par DD-QA à 12:37 0 commentaires
Libellés : Awesome! List, Ideas, Topics
jeudi 8 janvier 2015
- When people do not clean up their toe nail clippings
- When there is hair in the sink
- When people do not flush
- When people do not wipe up the pee from the toilet seat
- Sharing a room with a sibling
- When someone tells you you are not old enough to do something
- Having a cramp at the worst possible moment
- When someone will not give up on an argument - even when they know they are wrong
- When adults say "I'm so old"
- Attention seekers
- No charger for a dead phone
- Bossy people
- Loud eaters
- Wrong lyric singers
- Too many brothers crying at the same time (Riley)
- Whiners
- Knuckle crackers
- Cupboard is bare /starving
- Disrespect for differences
Publié par DD-QA à 11:41 0 commentaires
Libellés : Issue, List, Pet Peeves, Rant, Writing
mercredi 7 janvier 2015
Got an Issue? Here's a Tissue.
In an issue piece, you are given the chance to rant on about the issue of your choice - and let's face it, we all have them. The difference between belly-aching and venting though is that venting is the first step in processing the problem at hand. With a vent, we are essentially saying these are the conditions that apply to my issue. We need to understand what we are dealing with before we can offer possible solutions to what we feel is the required change.

Morals? Who Needs 'Em?
Publié par DD-QA à 09:59 0 commentaires
Libellés : Issue, Morals, TV Programming